The Rebbe, drawing on the inspiration of the words of Rav Sadia Gaon calls to us to remember ‘Ain umaseinu umah ela b’Torasah, Our nation is not a nation only through our Torah’. “Torah is our life, and therefore all should attend in this great celebration – the celebration of the collective joy of Torah shared by the entire Klal Yisroel.
The Rebbe, along with other Gedolei Yisrael have been the driving forces behind the unprecedented expansion of Kvias itim laTorah seen over the last year in Chavrei HaSiyum, Masmidei HaSiyum and the Daf Yomi Chaburos. These programs will not end at The Siyum, but are just beginning. The Chayeinu Initiative will be not only continuing these programs but expanding them over the next 7 and a half years to increase Limud haTorah and Kvias Itim for tens of thousands around the world. “May we merit many more years of increasing Torah learning,” the Rebbe writes.
The excitement around The Siyum is unprecedented and demand for seats is growing every day. A few of the ticket levels are sold out and others are going fast. The deadline for group reservations is in just a few days, on September 16. “After September 16, we will no longer be able to guarantee that new reservations will sit together with the rest of their group. Baruch Hashem the demand is very high and it will not be possible to accommodate everyone after Monday,” explains Rabbi Shlomo Gertzulin, Executive VP of The Siyum. The Siyum office is encouraging everyone to make their reservations right away at TheSiyum.org or by calling 877-SIYUM-13.
Not only can you join The Siyum in celebration of Torah, you can partner in this remarkable global Torah expansion by reserving a VIP seat. Click here or call Rachel Miller at 212-797-7399.